

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

This is the current version of what's happening when, I'm sure it'll change, but it's a start. If you're a speaker and you have a violent objection to where I've put you please let me know.


11.00 Hello. The fire exits are here and here. The kettle's over there. Off we go.


11.10 3 minute presentations from Adrian Gunn Wilson, Diego Rodriguez and Eugenie Harvey.


11.20 Richard Wilson


11.40 Jennifer Lyon Bell & Jeffre Jackson


12.00 Jack Schulze


12.20 Anne Ward


12.40 3 minute presentations from Tom Lewis-Reynier, James Boardwell and Paul Wilson


12.50 Some interesting videos


01.00 Lunch - including musical entertainment from The Electroplankton Quartet.


01.50 Lloyd Davis


02.10 Chris Heathcote


02.30 Tim Milne


02.40 Rebecca Northam


03.00 Tom Armitage


03.20 3 minute presentations from Seb Palmer, Matthew d'Ancona and Tommi Brem


03.30 Emma Holloway


03.45 Deb Khan


04.00 Break - including lovely surprise and interesting videos


04.30 Grant McCracken


04.50 Fiona Romeo


05.20 3 minute presentations from Phil Gyford, Sophie Dollar, Andrew Hovells


05.30 Dave Funkypancake


05.50 Matt Jones


06.10 Thanks. Goodbye. Go back to your constituencies and prepare for government.


06.20 End. Go to pub. Go home. Begin recovery.

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