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on May 3, 2007 at 11:07:47 am
attendees If you're coming why not add youself to this list? If you want.
Say who you are. Link to something. I don't know. Whatever people usually do. It'll be nice.
Try keeping it in alphabetical order by first name, ta.
- Alex Mahan - I design stuff, play stuff, occasionally write stuff, and procrastinate.
- Andrew Hovells. The Northern Planner who swims and drinks tea occasionally.
- Andrew Smart - I blog, run a small company in Copenhagen and ride my bike(s) as much as I can.
- Andrew Walkingshaw; postdoc scientific researcher professionally, and the rest of the time a web designer, musician and tiny-record-label proprietor. (flickr|twitter)
- Bobbie Johnson, technology writer at the Guardian. I blog here and here, use Twitter and all that, and arse about a bit.
- Charles Olive, freelance doer of stuff that involves film and music and sometimes events - I have a blog.
- Chloe Vicary, graphic designer and newly converted photoblogger.
- Curtis James, one of my jobs, and another, and my tumblr, twitter and flickr. I'm gonna be playing with sound.
*Claire Gates [http://www.sit_down_comedian.blogspot.com] Slightly famed generator of mirth, runner, gardener, blogger and mischief maker. Oops and I also work at D&AD [http://www.dandad.org]
- Dan Germain. I'll be coming along with some friends from innocent, including Shrimp, Ted, Kat, Stu - you know, that lot. We are also the official Platinum Soft Drinks (non-carbonated) Sponsor. Exciting.
- David Smith, teacher (English, ICT). Jaiku.
- Dorte Nielsen - I teach creativity in Copenhagen at the Danish Insitiute for Graphic Arts.
- Euan Mills, urban design consultant by day and runs a design collective (Team) with a blog (ma3t) by night.
- Faris. Talent Imitates, Genius Steals
- Gemma. Planner-type organised person from Leeds. (almost) always thinking.
- Glyn Britton. Crew member on the good ship Albion. Uses busy-ness as an excuse not to blog.
- Graeme Douglas, comms strategist, blogger, twitterer
- John Dodds - interested, make marketing history
- Johnnie Moore ex-planner, looking for ideas
- Karen Fraser, comms researcher, publisher Ethical Reputation Index coming (with a plus 1) to meet people, learn new things
- Karim Mélaouah, just a planner, from Italy, wannabe photographer [http://www.flickr.com/photos/kjpmpix], coming to find a job abroad and an english girlfriend
- Lloyd Davis, Social Media Tart, my blog my youtube my flickr my twitter
- Lauren. Australian installation artist wannabe who swears a lot.
- Liz Boulter, planner/geek also ex palaeontologist (I worked on some fossils from this collection): herebenotions is my blog and I also stumble.
- Luca Vergano, planner from Italy, friend of Karim, blogger, aspiring photographer
- Mami McGuinness, editor, journalist, will be blogging the event in Japanese
- Mark McGuinness, poet and business coach for creative people/companies
- Mark Earls ex-planner, writer, herdmeister Herd
- Mike Coulter, Creative Director, blogger; DigitalAgency, Jaiku, Flickr, del.icio.us.
- Organic Frog, planner
- Phil Carter, graphic designer and flickrer.
- Phil Gyford, freelance web developer etc. Acting student. Nothing whatsoever to do with advertising.
- Robert Bermingham, plannery information sponge from the West Country my luvver
- Rob Mortimer, the planner in waiting, and lord of the Ad Pit.
- Rob Mosley & Robbie Greatrex; creative team who left Proximity in January to start up teeny-weeny, mainly-digital, creative agency called Nonsense. Here's our fledgling blog.
- Rory Lindsay, comms planner, drinker, smoker, eyeball-photographer, blogger, Twitterer, Flickrer
- Tim Duckett, who attempts to interest lawyers in Web 2.0 stuff by day, and is a geek by night. Immune to advertising, oh yes...
- Tim Keil, Planner (trying my best), Bilingual Blogger (can´t really make up my mind), One of three Team-Members for the german Werbeblogger Podcast
- Tom Coombs, Information/Experience Architect, Brand Strategist, actor, singer, chef, new yorker, seatbelt user.
- Tony Blow, graphic designer at cross-disciplinary consultancy Graven Images, all the way up in Glasgow.
- Will Humphrey; Wannabe Ad Man, sometime plannery sort (see twitter, flickr): depending on how Stoke City get on.
- Zeroinfluencer will be there, twittering away, no doubt.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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